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DUPLO Rhyming Word Matching


Rhyming is one of the first pre-reading skills we can model with young children. And it’s fun to do. Songs and rhyming books are a must with young kids. So are rhyming games, like you can find in our Roll-a-Rhyme Activity. NSis {3 years old} loves to rhyme. So, we played a little rhyming word matching this week that I just had to share.

DUPLO Rhyming Word Matching - This Reading Mama

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This week, I’m honored to join several other bloggers this week in LEGO week, hosted by Toddler Approved! I plan on sharing two LEGO-themed posts that are literacy related. Today, I’m sharing our rhyming word matching that we did with DUPLO bricks…a great way to sneak in some fine motor work.

Note: If you have an older child, (s)he may enjoy the DUPLO Rhyming Game found at No Time for Flash Cards.


DUPLO Rhyming Word Matching

To prepare the rhyming word matching game, I pulled out different colored DUPLO bricks from our massive container. To have enough room for the rhyming pictures to match, I pulled two of the 4×4 bricks for each image {same color bricks}.

preparing our DUPLO rhyming word matching game

I put tape on each pair of bricks


adding rhyming pictures to DUPLO bricks

and then taped on the pictures. {A FREE rhyming word picture pack can be found at the END of this post.}


setting up DUPLO bricks for rhyming word matching gameSince there are 12 different pairs, I started her out with 6 rhyming pairs. I took apart the matches and put them into two different groups on the floor.


trying to match the rhyming words

I showed her how to try each one like dog/fox until she found the one that rhymed. She did this for the first couple,


matching up bug and rug with rhyming word matching game

but then soon figured out that the colors matched up and took off. {Excuse the zoo tattoo.}


saying all the rhyming word matches

I still said, “Oh, let’s see if it rhymes! And we’d say each name together.” A did re-use a couple of colors, so I wanted to help her see that we should always check the answer.


matching up all rhyming word pairs

She had so much fun with this, so we matched up the other 6 rhyming word pairs. Then tried them all together.


hopping her frog on all the rhyming words

She played her own games, hopping to each rhyming word on the “log” with her frog.


rhyming word matching extension

By this point, I had other children calling my name and needing my assistance, so I had to stop, but I placed all our DUPLO rhyming word matching pairs in a bucket and put it on her shelf so she could pull out whenever she wanted.


More Rhyming Word & LEGO Fun


Follow This Reading Mama’s board Pre-Reading Skills: Rhyming & Phonological Awareness on Pinterest.

Follow This Reading Mama’s board Learning with LEGOS on Pinterest.



>>Download this FREE Rhyming Word Matching Printable HERE.<<


DUPLO Match-a-Rhyme Game - This Reading Mama


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The post DUPLO Rhyming Word Matching appeared first on This Reading Mama.

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