Yesterday, I posted a concept sort with buttons. And since we’re on the topic of sorting, I thought I’d share the sort we did with the alphabet. (This lesson can be as complicated or as simple as you’d like.)
I created a chart with the lowercase alphabet (click to download for FREE) and away we sorted…
Some of the categories we used were:
has only straight lines, only curvy lines, both kinds (by look)
tall, short, has a tail (letter formation)
rhymes with /ee/& doesn’t rhyme with /ee/ (by rhyme)
says its sound in the letter/doesn’t/sometimes (by sound)
you pick your pencil up when you write/you don’t pick your pencil up (handwriting)
Other ways to sort the alphabet:
- vowels/not vowels/sometimes vowels
- letters in child’s name/letters not in her name
- look like their uppercase letter/do not
- symmetrical: vertical/horizontal/both/none
What ideas do you have for sorting the alphabet?
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